Time travel to the future.

Hi dears, in this ocation, I will talking about the next topic: Time travel to the future. well, firts say that I don't like think the future (it is not mine). Just like Miss Zagal, I try to live in the present (as far as possible). In fact I have never even liked futuristic movies. I prefer movies based on the real events. The future is uncertain. Specially because of the excess pollution in the word. The technology has been a contribution to humanity, but also has been harmful for being the cause of more and more pollution. I have always thought that the people who will live in the future, they will be vary different from us today. The science explain that when the environment change, living bodies (plants, animals and various kinds of life) they also change. (Charles Darwin). The bodies adapt and modify part of their structures to be able to live in such conditions. I belive that human bodies in the future, will have other anatomical shapes. Noses and eyes capable of, breathe polluted air and see between radiation existed. 

see you in the last post :)


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